Providing our clients with advisory & compliance services enabling them to meet their tax obligations in a cost effective way.
Discover our comprehensive tax services that includes, Income tax, Corporation tax, Employment taxes, Estate & Succession planning, Indirect taxes, Tax planning, International Tax planning, Tax compliance, designed to elevate your business.
Income tax is imposed on;
We have experts in all above income tax categories ready to provide individualized advice.
we provide a holistic approach to corporate tax ensuring compliance with laws and regulations as well as taking advantage of various tax incentives available for the particular entity.
Quartet consulting is always on call for employment taxes advice touching on both employer and employee. Additionally, we extend employee awareness on payroll taxes through training.
Our experience as business, financial and tax advisors to our clients, coupled with our expertise in gift and estate taxation, allows us to provide sophisticated estate planning services to our clients.
Our succession planning services include advice on;
Indirect taxes are two-fold;
We ensure that; you don’t overpay direct taxes, that you allocate adequate resources, that you firm is up to date as legislation changes and that you keep improving.
We go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after tax income. We make it a priority to enhance our mastery of the current tax law, complex tax code and new tax regulations by attending frequent tax seminars.
As part of our ongoing effort to provide clients with the most reliable international tax advice and planning services, we maintain an active membership in (AGN), a highly selective and leading worldwide organization of independent professional law, accounting, tax and consulting firms.
Partnering with us means you benefit from the expertise of our highly skilled team of international tax experts as well as from AGN’s international coverage.
Our tax professionals can assist you on the following;
Tax Avoidance: Legally minimizing tax liabilities through legitimate means (e.g., using deductions, credits, and exemptions).
Tax Evasion: Illegally reducing tax liability by under reporting income or inflating expenses, which can lead to penalties or legal action.
You typically need:
Tax deadlines vary by country and type of taxpayer (individual or business). Make sure to check your local tax authority’s calendar. Missing deadlines often results in penalties.
Tax deductions reduce taxable income and may include: